The Accused is guilty of having printed and put into circulation a „CCCC“ textbook violating the provisions of Article 20 of the Law on Copyright and Related Rights in BiH ("Official Gazette of the Republic of BiH" No. 63/10) in the period 2010 - 2014 in the place „AAAA“ as Director and responsible person of the firm „BBBB“, without the permission of the author, entered the text of „DDDD“, which text is an integral part of the edition of „EEEE“, by „FFFF“ author, publisher „GGGG.“
The Court, having considered the presented evidence, issued a judgment declaring the Accused guilty of the criminal offense of Illicit Use of Copyrights, in violation of Article 243, paragraph 1 of the BiH Criminal Code. Having accepted the proposal of the parties, the Court imposed a suspended sentence on the Accused determining the sentence of imprisonment for a period of six (6) months, and at the same time determined that the punishment would not be enforced if the Accused do not commit a new criminal offense within 1 (one) year period.
Pursuant to Article 198, paragraph 2 of the CPC of BiH, the damaged party is referred to the civil lawsuit for compensation of damages.
Pursuant to Article 74 of the CC of BiH, in conjunction with Article 243, paragraph 6 of the CC BiH, the items arising from the committing of the criminal offense are confiscated from the Accused.
Judgment of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. S1 3 K 018140 15 K of 21.04.2015.